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Vintage Aprons


I have to admit to a new fascination. And this enthrallment has been building for months, mayhap … years.

I absolutely adore almost anything vintage inspired. From 1930’s inspired quilts to colonial handwork to style, of any kind, it’s just what captures my eye. It invokes, to me, history and permanence and culture and depth. And for me … it doesn’t even have to have that “modern twist” tagline that experts use endlessly to legitimize whatever vintage inspired item they are describing.

So this fascination? Vintage inspired aprons. And I’m embarrassed to acknowledge, I don’t even own an apron. Something I’m committed to remedying with all possible haste.

This morning I opened an email from Sur La Table where they were showcasing their new vintage aprons. Images of my own sweet German grandmother came vividly to life. I immediately remembered her cozy kitchen, her rustic tools, the table and chairs and nifty light that hung over the table. It was corded, that light, by some means, and could actually raise and lower at will, to the delight of us children. Her kitchen was filled with light and color and warmth and fresh air. And to this little girl’s delight, had a magic cookie jar perpetually filled with delectable treats.

And so, the little girl that grew into a woman with her own home and family, wants to reach back and recapture some of that warmth and security and domestic heaven in her own much more modern, granite clad kitchen. And even if only symbolically, she believes that apron will transport her back, if only for an hour or so, to those carefree days of youth and give her family a little piece of that heaven.

And that little girl who became a woman, of course, is me. And I can imagine that my fastidious women ancestors would nod with approval after donning that apron. Not only for its tradition, but its practical purposes as well.

So … happy shopping.

Here is a link to the Sur La Table vintage apron above.

And even better … here is a link to 50 free apron patterns you can make yourself. I believe my spring cleaning will be much more thorough with one of these!

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